Two upcoming events

We have two upcoming outings to share with you -- one is SNOW TUBING and the other is the BOWL-A-THON.

SNOW TUBING  Pack 53 is going snow tubing at Shawnee Mountain! The date is Saturday, February 27th from 11am-1pm. The cost is $25 per person and it's open to the entire family! We will have a sign-up sheet at the next Pack Meeting on January 25th to see how many people are interested in going. We will look to get final counts and checks by February 19th. Check out the Shawnee website for more information. 



BOWL-A-THONBowl-A-Thon - Sunday, February 7th.  Start times are:  9:15, 11:30 and 1:45.  We are going to try to get the 11:30 time slot, but it is most popular and goes quickly!!!   The cost is $13 per person and siblings and parents are welcome to participate as well.  Bowl-A-Thon Flyer  Click on the flyer for more information. 


For the Bowl-A-Thon, please email Lee Emdur  by Tuesday, January 19th to sign up! And please bring your checks to the Pack Meeting on January 25th.

October Updates

Please let me know if you are interested in attending the Great Pumpkin Hunt!!  We still have space.  Sunday @2:30 $4 per person.  RSVP to Deborah Krog via email.

Good Deeds for Good Food: Don't forget to reward your scout with a canned good for doing a good deed.  I made a list for the boys to do when they are looking for something!  Bring the cans they earn to the November meeting.  The wolves will then take them to the Interfaith Food Pantry for people who need them for the holiday season.

Holiday Gift Giving:  At the November meeting, Meredith Curley will have our Giving Tree for you to choose a star for someone in need. The star will have their wishes for the holidays.  Last year we were able to help so many people!!  We hope to have another successful season and make others' holidays special!

Don't forget!! If you have not turned in your dues, you can pay online

Have a great weekend!!

What we do

Our Cub Pack currently consists of 42 scouts grades 1st through 4th.  Six of our 5th grade scouts moved up to Boy Scouts this past April. The boys are divided by grades into dens.  Starting in first grade and moving up are Tigers, Wolves, Bears, Webelos and Arrow of Light Scouts.  Depending on the number of boys in each grade, it is possible to have more than one den.  Dens meet approximately one time per month for a meeting and occasionally for a “go see it” which is like a field trip. We also have one pack meeting per month.  The pack meetings are generally the 3rd Monday depending on the school calendar.


What do we do at meetings?  

We do a lot of things!!!  At den meetings, scouts do a variety of things: learn about citizenship, flag skills, build models, recognize plants and trees, take care of the environment, and so much more! At pack meetings, we do monthly recognition for the scouts who have achieved new ranks and earned belt loops, perform skits and chants, play games, do crafts for veterans or seniors, run food drives and collect items for our soldiers overseas! 


What other type of activities are there?

There are community clean-up days and other service projects, hiking, knot tying, nature days, singing for the seniors,  skits and songs, fly fishing demonstrations, The Pinewood Derby, Raingutter Regatta, go to museums and sporting events, overnight campouts or campins and more! 


What is your role as a parent? 

Your primary role is to support your son by attending  meetings, work with him at home, reinforce the messages and principles of scouting. Scouting is a volunteer led organization. Parents run pack & den meetings, popcorn sales, coordinate outings, help out with activities and administration (membership, treasurer, website, public relations, popcorn sales). Each den is led by a parent or parents. Volunteering  is a great way to ensure your son and other boys have a great scouting experience!  


What is the cost? 

Last year’s dues were $80.  That includes national registration, insurance coverage, a t-shirt for first year scouts, a pinewood derby car, a regatta boat, advancement badges and pins and miscellaneous items throughout the year.  Selling popcorn is our main fundraiser and any money we receive from popcorn sales offsets some pack costs. We will try to keep the fees close to last year.  Selling popcorn helps offset your dues!


When do I sign up?

You can sign up today!  Just fill out the scouting application for your son, pay your fees.  Your son will be able to participate in our summer activites: hike in July and minor league baseball game on August 20 – Scouts in uniform will be able to go on the field for the opening ceremony. You are welcome to come even if you do not sign up, but only scouts in Class A uniforms are allowed on the field.  If you are uncertain about joining, our first pack meeting of the year will be announced in the fall. It usually takes place the end of September. A flyer will come home via school handouts.  Also, be sure we have your contact information, and we will include you on the email list.  



Contact one of the Cubmaster:  Deborah Krog at (973)895-2855 or Membership Chairs Meredith Curley at  973-607-1403 or Crystal Gumann at  for more information.




Upcoming Meetings

Here is a list of our upcoming meetings and events: 

Saturday, May 30-Sunday, May 31 - Brundage Preserve Campout. Please refer to the calendar for additional information and sign up forms.

Sunday, May 31 - 7:00 p.m  - Committee Meeting - everyone is welcome!! If you would like to become more involved with scouts, help at pack meetings, den meetings or any other events or tasks or just want to have a say, please come.  The meeting will be about 1 1/4 hours long.  I know it is an odd date, but it was the first that worked for most.  Hope you can make it.15 Willow Drive.

Monday, June 8 - Rain Gutter Regatta and Last Pack Meeting of the Year.  I have been informed this is a conflict with baseball All Star tryouts, but we don't really have another day that works.  I would like enrolled scouts to be there for a 7:00 start. The meeting says 6:45 but that is so new/prospective scouts can come at that time, ask questions, get handouts, etc.  This may be held outside, but not sure.  We will have a flag ceremony, advancement and the regatta. The boats are on my porch if you need one.  

We are looking into a minor league baseball game and will keep you posted.  Also, if you are interested in the Liberty Science Camp In on Saturday, October 3- October 4, please let me know.  Click here for more information.  

Upcoming Events in April!!

An all day event! Eat lunch or dinner at Fuddruckers in Roxbury and we will earn %15! this is a joint event with Troop 53. No coupons or discounts are accepted due to this being a fundraiser. Please invite everyone and send them a flyer.

Monday April 20th Fuddruckers' fundraiser!


Saturday April 25 Community Clean up

Meet at the Municipal Building at 8:30 for continental breakfast, we will then head over to clean up Freedom Park. Come for all or part of the time! Please let Deborah know if you plan to attend



Cub Scout Program “Where and When: Maps Now and Then” - March 10th and 31st


Cub Scouts will create 3-D clay models of geographic areas of New Jersey, use satellite images to locate where Macculloch-Miller family members lived before, during, and after the Civil War, and work with a floor-sized game board map to review what they have learned about geography and history while earning their Academics Pin for Geography. 

Pre-registration required at (973) 538-2404 ext. 16 or by email Maximum group size is 15 participants. Fee: $8 per scout; $5 per adult.

Click here for additional information

Pack Meeting and Pinewood Derby Update

It has been decided that we will have the next pack meeting at the Pinewood Derby on Saturday, February 21.  The meeting will be about 11:00. We will also be having a representative from the council there to talk about Friends of Scouting.  

If your son will not be participating in the Pinewood Derby, please email Ed Walters!   We don't want to assign a racing number to scouts who will not be racing.  

Doors will be open at 9:00 if you would like to come and help setting up the track, helping your son work on his car, have a bagel, etc. If you need to drop off your car before sports, etc that day, the cafeteria will be open at 9:00.  Racing begins about noon and you don't have to be present but it sure is fun!!  All cars need to be there by 11:00 in order to be weighed and if you need to make any adjustments - you don't want to wait till the last minute.

There have also been requests for a  Family and Friends race.  If you, or another child, would like to build their own derby car to race against other families, please feel free to do so.  They are available at the council or at Ramsey or even Michael's.  This race will take place after the scouting races.  

We will once again have the Boy Scouts judging the cars on creativity/originality as well as best car (neatness, etc).  It would be great if there are a couple of grandparents who might be at the derby who could be judges as well.  They find it fun too and gives them something to do!!!  Please let Ed know if you have someone in mind.  We only need a couple, so first come first served.  

Also, there will be bagels and coffee, etc in the morning and then pizza, snacks and drinks about noon.  This is one way we recoup some of the money spent on trophies, venue, etc.  Bring an appetite!  If you need Pinewood Derby guidelines, just click here .

If you have any other questions, just ask!  Hope you can all make it!!!  Don't forget to let Ed know if your son will not be participating in the derby!!!   No code word this month - too crazy at the derby!!! 

Wolves Update

Important dates coming up for the Wolves Pack

January 18th - Wolves Dad Carpentry Afternoon  

February 2 - Wolves Den Meeting 


Rules and regulations regarding the Derby

Rules Regarding Derby Cars’ Specifications

The following rules are designed to provide our Cub Scouts with a fair and fun atmosphere in which to race.  At registration, each car will be weighed and inspected, to ensure its compliance with these rules.  Cars which do not comply with these rules may be removed from the Competition Classes at the discretion of the Derby Staff.  The car may have been built with some optional assistance by adults.


  • Materials:
    • All cars, irrespective of class must be constructed of the B.S.A.’s “Official Grand Prix Pinewood Derby Car Kit” (item no. WW17006).  No other car kits or pre-made cars are acceptable, and will not be permitted.
    • All parts which come with the official Derby kits must be used; conversely, parts from other sources may not be substituted in place of original parts.
  • Weight:
    • A car (including paint, decorations and decals) may weigh up to an including a maximum of 5 oz.  
    • The show scale weight will be official for all cars regardless of any other claims.  
    • Weight changes are permitted during the registration and inspection period, but not once the race has started.
  • Size and Dimensions:
    • The length of a car must be 7 inches or less. 
    • A car must be 2 11/16 inches wide or less (which includes the wheels). 
    • A car’s wheels must be 1 7/8 inches apart (the original wheelbase measurement for the official B.S.A. Derby car kit). 
    • A car must have a clearance above the track of at least 7/16”.
    • A car’s height cannot exceed 3 3/4 inches (or the car will not fit under the finish gate).
    • The front end of a car may not include a “V” cut or any other cut that allows any portion of the car’s front end to extend past the tracks’ starting pins, to avoid giving any cars unfair advantages.
    • Extensive rounding or reshaping of the front end of a car (i.e., bringing a car to a point), which prevents use of the starting gate is not permitted.

Wheel and Axles:

  • A car must use wheels and axles supplied in the official derby car kit. 
  • Solid axles (i.e., one axle for 2 wheels) are not allowed. 
  • Springs or suspension systems may not be installed.
  • Axles may be glued into a car. 
  • Any burrs or mold excess may be removed from wheels. 
  • No bearings, washers, bushings or other “non-kit” additions are allowed.
  • The car must be free-wheeling with no starting devices, flywheels, magnets or other motion enhancing devices.
  • The built-in axle slots in the kit block MUST be used.  Relocating slot positions or creating holes for axles in different locations is not permitted.
  • Rounding, reshaping, undercutting or removing portions of the wheels is not permitted



    • Only dry powder graphite or white B.S.A. Wheel and Axle Lubricant may be used to lubricate wheels and axles. 
    • No oil, grease or silicone lubricants are allowed.
  • Loose Items:
    • Any decorations or added weight must be permanently attached to a car with glue, nails, screws, etc.
    • No loose items of any kind are permitted in or on the car.
    • All attachments must conform to the original height, length, weight, wheelbase specifications listed above.
    • Items that detach from a car during a race will remain off.
  • Registration and Inspection:
    • Each car must be registered, weighed and inspected prior to the race.
    • All decisions of the Staff of the Derby concerning rules compliance are final.  
    • Competition classes:  cars which are found to be in violation of these rules may be repaired by their owners prior to racing.  Race officials will suggest reasonable adjustments in the cars before any disqualification, but are not responsible for performing repairs or making adjustments.  Cars which cannot be fixed in time for racing will be removed from the Competition Classes, and will be raced in the Open Class.  Such cars will not be allowed to win any of the Competition Class trophies.
    • All cars must be the official weight of 5 ounces or less – no exceptions.
    • Cars over the official weight of 5 ounces will be given a chance to reduce the weight to the official 5 ounces or less.

Impound Area:

    • After registration and inspection, all cars will be kept in an “Impound Area.”  
    • No car will leave the “Impound Area” except for racing, until the participant’s racing has been completed.
    • No alteration or modification of the car will be allowed once the car is in the impound area.
  • Racing times and “Pit Passes”racing times will be assigned randomly.  The cars assigned to the Rank Race will race first in order of Rank.  The Outlaw Race will be conducted next. The cars competing in the championship race will race once the other races are completed.   Note that the Derby Staff may, at its discretion, allow Cub Scouts to race ahead of other participants, regardless of their arrival and registration times.
  • Self Startingcars will be started simultaneously by a gate lever.
  • Crashes:  
    • If a car leaves the track or a wheel comes off before the car reaches the finish line, the race will be re-run.  
    • a one-time five minute pit stop will be allowed to repair a damaged car.
    • The “Official District Mechanic” will assist in making any and all repairs, but will not be responsible for the success of such repairs.

Wolves Visit Interfaith Food Pantry - Donate Food and Time

January 5, 2015 As part of an ongoing service project, the Wolves visited the Interfaith Food Pantry in Morris Plains and as a den generously donated 145 lbs of food!

Mrs. Miller, our tour guide, showed us the entire facility, including the panty where clients shop for food and the warehouse where the food is received, sorted and stored. 

The Wolves were put to work too!  Each wolf was given a large box of tea or sugar bags, which they re-packaged into many smaller portions of 10 bags each.  They filled about 6 large boxes at the end - Great Job!! 

Mrs. Miller explained that by taking larger boxes of food and splitting them into smaller portions the food could be shared with more people - which was a valuable lesson.  Overall, the boys had a lot of fun and learned how important giving and being of service is, especially for Scouts!

Monster Jam on January 30th

Hi Everyone,

As announced at Monday's Pack meeting, we are going to see the MONSTER JAM Monster Trucks event on Friday, January 30th at 7:30PM at the IZOD Center in East Rutherford (Meadowlands). If you are not familiar with MONSTER JAM, you can check out their website at

This show is a special "Scouts Night" and costs only $17 per ticket with the Scouts Night Group Discount. The event starts at 7:30pm and includes a "Pit Party" pass ($10 value) that goes from 5:30-6:30pm. During the Pit Party you can see the trucks up close, meet the drivers and maybe even get an idea for the Pinewood Derby! Please note that the whole family is invited to this Pack 53 MONSTER JAM event.

To join Pack 53 for the MONSTER JAM, please drop off a check made out to Cub Pack 53 for the total amount ($17.00 x total number going with your family) to Lee Emdur's house at 35 Drake Court. Also, please email Lee at to let him know if you are interested in going and that you plan to drop off a check. You can also call Lee at 973-895-6030 if you have any questions on the event. And if you decide to go, it's recommended that you carpool with other Scout families to save on parking costs.

The deadline to drop off your check is Tuesday, January 6th. 

Lee Emdur

Webelos I update

Your sons had a good den meeting last night. I want to give you a recap of what's been accomplished to date, ask you to remind them of some assignments to do at home over the next week or so, and preview my plans for the next den meeting.

So far the boys have COMPLETED the following requirements:

  • Forester requirements 1,2, 3, 4, 6, and 9 on Oct 18. We will be completing this Activity in January den meeting when we do Naturalist activities.
  • Citizen (pg 144) requirements 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 on Dec 8. The boys will complete the remaining requirements at home (see below)
  • Fitness (pg 246) requirement 1. The boys will complete the remaining requirements at home (see below)
  • Began Webelos badge requirements, e.g. read aloud Boy Scout oath and Scout Law. Boys need to know from memory so we will work on this each meeting.


Home assignments to be checked Sunday Dec 14

  • Citizen (pg 144): Requirement 8 - scout comes up with a list of jobs they can do around the house and tracks them for a week (here's the FORM ) PLUS any two of the remaining requirements 9-17
  • Fitness (pg 246) Requirements 3 (plan week of meals) and 4 (record meals eaten) PLUS any four of 2, 5, 6, 7, or 8. Use the forms handed out Dec 8 or this alternate form

I also asked the boys to look over the Engineer Activity and let me know which requirements they would like to try so I can start planning.

Next meeting is Sunday, Dec 14 at 1pm. Tentatively at the Emdurs'. My plan is to check and complete Citizen and Fitness, start Traveler, and work more on Webelos badge requirements

An invitation will be sent separately.

See you Sunday.

Pack Meeting 12/15/2014

Good Morning Pack 53,  

Just a quick reminder that our next pack meeting is Monday, December 15.  

Please be sure to refer to the website for any information about upcoming dates and links for events that you can sign your scout up for.    Please let me know by Tuesday at the latest if your son has completed his Citizenship Belt Loop or any others so he may can recognition at our meeting!!  

For those of you who need to drop off gifts for our Adopt-A-Families, please do so by next Wednesday December 10th at 8 Old Chimney Road or 15 Willow Drive.    

Also, a more thorough email with the agenda will be going out later this week. You want to read that one in its entirety! HINT, HINT!!!!!!

Citizenship Belt Loop almost done

If your son attended last night's meeting - he is one step away from earning his belt loop for Citizenship.  We completed items 2 & 3 last night by working on the poster showing how to be a good citizen and participating in a service project.  If your child did not bring an item for a soldier (bears-Webelos II) or earn canned goods by doing a chore or a good deed (tigers & wolves), then they will still need to work on a service project. If they have done something for church recently or if you chose a star for our adapt-a-families project - that would count as well, but be sure your child helps in that process. So while last night's meeting may have been a little hectic, there was a purpose to it.

The only thing the boys have to do to earn their Citizenship belt loop would be #1 below: Develop a list of jobs you can do around the home. Chart your progress for one week.  Please work with you scout  and encourage them to complete this at home.  Also, if you would like to encourage your scout to earn the Citizenship Pin, the requirements are below as well.

Once you are finished with it, email me to let me know and I will write down that your son has earned this belt loop!!  I hope I am giving a belt loop to every scout at the next pack meeting!!!!  

Don't forget - new scouts - practice your bobcat badge requirements! I want to award those as well!!!!  

Our next pack meeting is Monday, December 15 at 7:00.  We usually have a fun holiday party! Hope to see you there!!!

Adopt A Family Information

Adopt A Family Information:

Gifts Due: Wednesday, December 10th.
Gift Drop Off: 8 Old Chimney Road (Curley House) 15 Willow Drive (Krog House)

Important Information:

The numbers that appear on the top of the stars (that you selected) are the case numbers associated with the 4 families that we are adopting this holiday season. We have Case T-51: a 32 year old mother & her 3 year old daughter & 8 year old son, Case V-19: a 21 year old mother & her 2 year old son, Case V-40: a 23 year old mother & her 5 year old son, and Case T-27: an 8 year old boy.

Please wrap the presents and tape the star to the top of the gift. I will then sort the gifts by case number before delivering them to the social worker in charge of distribution.

Thank you for selecting all the stars! We will be granting many wishes this holiday season.

Please email me or call me 973-607-1403 if you have any specific questions about the gift you selected to purchase, or about the recipient.

Pack Meeting Agenda 11/19/2014

We will see you tomorrow night for a 7:00 sharp to start to our meeting.  We really do try to start and finish on time. During the meeting, we are asking parents to sit with the parents from their den. Obviously if you have more than one child in scouts, choose your favorite! :)  There will not be snacks at this meeting, so please plan accordingly.

Don't forget my original message which is below (hint, hint). 

Here is the agenda:

As you enter, please drop items of food or Items for soldiers in their respective spots!! We do want to keep track of the food being brought in by each child for wolves and tigers.

  • Opening Flag Ceremony - Wolves
  • Skit - Bears
  • Announcements
  • Recognition and Advancements
  • Citizenship activity
  • game/complete note cards for soldiers
  • Clean up
  • Retiring of Colors

Also, we have checks for scout families that sold more than $100 worth of popcorn!!!  Woohoo!!!!  Thank you to all who did such a great job.  Every little bit helps - so if you sold!  Thanks!! 

Also, new to our pack scouts....if you still have not received your first t-shirt, please contact Erika Barninger

Change of date for Pack meeting

Our next pack meeting will be on WEDNESDAY, Nov. 19. (This is due to the PARCC meeting at Shongum on the 17th).  We will still start at 7:00 on Wednesday, Nov. 19. 

Our theme this month is Citizenship.  As the boys arrive they will be making cards for the soldiers oversees.  

The Tigers and Wolves are earning canned goods from their family by doing a good turn or a chore to help out around the house. Those items will be brought to the pack meeting and we will be able to see how productive and helpful these scouts have been.  

The Bears, Webleos I and Webelos II (Now Arrow of Light Scouts)  are being asked to bring one or two of the following items to send to Kandahar, Afghanistan to thank the soldiers for all their hard work and sacrifices they make to protect us and our freedoms.

  • Gummy bears
  • Black Pens
  • "that was easy" pressable button (Staples)
  • Black or blue permanent markers
  • Country time lemonade powder packets
  • Swedish fish
  • Body razors
  • Bacon jerky, beef jerkey and slim jims
  • Individual size boxes of cereal, any kind
  • Sally Hanson nail growth nail polish
  • Q-tips
  • Chapstick
  • magazines(even if you have read them)
  • paperback books
  • puzzle games
  • playing cards
  • powered drink mixes
  • energy bars
  • toiletries
  • foot care items (moleskin for blisters)

Thank you to all who have signed up to help out the pack!! If you are still in need of a new t-shirt, Erika Barninger is our new t-shirt coordinator. She can be reached at If your child comes to whisper the word pilgrim to me, he will receive a reward. 

We hope to see you at the meeting. We know it may be inconvenient with the changed date, but the committee felt that Nov. 24 would be too late with Thanksgiving that week.