Webelos I update

Your sons had a good den meeting last night. I want to give you a recap of what's been accomplished to date, ask you to remind them of some assignments to do at home over the next week or so, and preview my plans for the next den meeting.

So far the boys have COMPLETED the following requirements:

  • Forester requirements 1,2, 3, 4, 6, and 9 on Oct 18. We will be completing this Activity in January den meeting when we do Naturalist activities.
  • Citizen (pg 144) requirements 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 on Dec 8. The boys will complete the remaining requirements at home (see below)
  • Fitness (pg 246) requirement 1. The boys will complete the remaining requirements at home (see below)
  • Began Webelos badge requirements, e.g. read aloud Boy Scout oath and Scout Law. Boys need to know from memory so we will work on this each meeting.


Home assignments to be checked Sunday Dec 14

  • Citizen (pg 144): Requirement 8 - scout comes up with a list of jobs they can do around the house and tracks them for a week (here's the FORM ) PLUS any two of the remaining requirements 9-17
  • Fitness (pg 246) Requirements 3 (plan week of meals) and 4 (record meals eaten) PLUS any four of 2, 5, 6, 7, or 8. Use the forms handed out Dec 8 or this alternate form http://usscouts.org/advance/cubscout/worksheets/Fitness.pdf

I also asked the boys to look over the Engineer Activity and let me know which requirements they would like to try so I can start planning.

Next meeting is Sunday, Dec 14 at 1pm. Tentatively at the Emdurs'. My plan is to check and complete Citizen and Fitness, start Traveler, and work more on Webelos badge requirements

An invitation will be sent separately.

See you Sunday.